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ECS Director Issues Statement

ECS's Director issues statement of commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance.

At ECS, we believe that conducting business goes beyond financial performance. We understand the importance of operating in a sustainable and responsible manner and we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment and society while providing you with the best consumables available on the market.

We are Committed to minimising our environmental footprint by implementing eco-friendly practices throughout our operations. This includes reducing energy consumption, properly managing waste and promoting recycling initiatives, such as our award winning recycling service; The Greener Side. We also aim to collaborate with environmentally conscious suppliers and partners who share our values, including the achievement of a circular economy. 

ECS value the well-being and development of our employees, as they are an integral part of our success. We strive to provide a safe and inclusive work environment where everyone is treated with respect and equality. Additionally, we are actively involved in community engagement and philanthropic initiatives, supporting local organisations, charities and causes. A major part of our commitment to our employees includes meeting living wage standards so that all ECS employees are paid relative to the economic climate.

Alongside our commitment to the environment and social responsibility, ECS place a strong emphasis on ethical business practices and transparent governance. ECS's policies and procedures are designed to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. By fostering an environment of integrity and accountability, we aim to build trust and long-term relationships with our partners, shareholders and stakeholders. While recent news has shed negative light upon some organisations within our industry, ECS can guarantee that all of our products, consumables and services are produced and sourced ethically. 

As an established business, we understand that ESG practices have become increasingly important to our clients and partners. By embracing these principles, we aim to not only create a positive impact on society and the environment, but also to provide our partners with the reassurance that our values align with their expectations. 

ECS welcomes and questions or feedback regarding our ESG initiatives. Please to not hesitate to reach out to us. You can email us here.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to continuing to work with our Partners.

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